Prof. Hamid Reza Ghaphouri

Vice-Chancellor for Planning & Development


Central Building, Second Floor, Technical Office Coridor, Room 64

Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

Tel.: +9861 3333 9168




Vision, objectives and task description of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning & Development

The Vice-Chancellor for Planning & Development of the university was formally classified under the organizational chart of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in 2007. However, its mission officially started in 2016. One of the objectives of this office is setting up a developed and plan-oriented university in all educational, research, cultural and civil aspects. Accordingly, formulating the university's 5-year plan is of great help in achieving this objective. Proper implementation of this vision provides and develops the needed infrastructures, improves the educational facilities and elevates the university ranking nationally and internationally.

Here is a list of the most important duties of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning & Development:

-Identifying the weakness and strength of the university

-setting budget for the basic necessities

-proposing solutions to improve the performance of different university divisions

-involving the private sector

-involving donors in undertaking the civil projects

-cooperating with official administration outside the university

-increasing the sources of income

-increasing the university earnings

The other duties would be;

-supervising the university civil projects

-investigating the architectural technicalities of university structures, mechanical and electrical devices

And also university landscaping.

Additionally, this deputy is to develop a Green university by running informative courses on economizing on energy, mounting special exhibitions and conferences, changing natural resources consumption patterns and conserving the environment with clean energies.